My apologies for my absence this past month; I've been busy with events in conjunction with the launch of my new book After Pornified: How Women Are Transforming Pornography & Why It Really Matters (Zer0 Books, October 2012). I returned from Europe only last week where the official launch party took place at Berlin Porn Film Festival, the leading international film festival for progressive artistic sex film. I attended the entire five-day festival and saw an amazing array of films.
The festival's opening film, The Sexual Chronicles of a French Family (2012) by Pascal Arnold and Jean-Marc Barr was in particular impressive. As one of the festival organizers said in his introduction, the film beautifully captures the festival's utopian vision where sex is talked about and approached in a natural manner without all the social stigma and shame.
I hope you enjoy the film's trailer!
2012, IFC Films, 77 min, France, Dir: Pascal Arnold, Jean-Marc Barr
When her younger son is caught filming himself masturbating in biology class, Claire (Valerie Maes) attempts to overcome the taboo of sexuality by creating an open discussion about each of her family members’ personal experiences. From big brother’s polyamory to Grandpa’s bimonthly visits to a prostitute, the filmmakers present a view into the family’s most intimate moments — tender, never vulgar, presenting sex as an everyday part of life. In French with English subtitles.
Anne, congratulations on your tour! Loved this film. Caught it on Netflix which was a surprise as they don't usually appear until they're older. Portrayed a sort of fantasy of what you might like sexual communication to be like in a family. Personal, but not private. Open, but dignified. Not without some struggle.